Hotels - London Hotel Development Monitor - "Uncovering Hotel Opportunities"


18 May

Jones Lang Lassalle (JLL), in conjunction with London & Partners, has just released this report into the London hotel market.


The report can be found here: "London Hotel Development Monitor: Uncovering Hotel Opportunities"

The conclusions from the report include:

  • c 140,000 total rooms as at March 2016 – this is around 20% of the total hotel rooms throughout the UK
  • c 16,000 new rooms expected by 2018
  • 3 million passengers at London’s airports in 2015
  • 45 uplift in visitor numbers to London during the first three quarters of 2015
  • Average room rate  £144
  • The budget sector comprises some 20% of the total room stock in London
  • The London Borough of the City of Westminster boasts the most hotels by some margin above other boroughs with some 433 hotels (37.585 rooms), followed by Camden with 155 hotels (17,532 rooms).
  • Of the 18,000 hotel rooms which have opened in London since 2012, more than half are in the budget sector, with a further third of the 7,000 rooms due for completion this year in the same sector.

Source: JLL

Law correct at the date of publication.
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